
Terri Brisbin


Are you fascinated by all of the sights and sounds and mystery of the wild Scottish highlands and islands? With the myths and old legends of the Celts and Scots?

Do you yearn to read about the brawny, sexy warriors who are strong and brave enough to protect hearth and home. . . and heart? Do you cheer for the strong, loyal women who fall in love with them, sometimes in spite of themselves?

What about the elegant Regency lords and ladies who dance among the sparkling assembly rooms of London, Bath, even Edinburgh or the castles, both whole and ruined, that dot the landscape of Great Britain?

Well, I love those places and times and those kinds of characters and I love telling stories about them and more!

Here on my website you’ll be able to connect with me and discover the romance novels I write. Please stop back often to see what's going on – there will be contests to celebrate romance, books, wonderful historical heroes and heroines, and more.

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Compelling, Sexy Historical romance